Testing of source temperature stability for Škoda Auto body shops

September 2019

#Control and Diagnostic Systems #Predictive maintenance #Innovation #Testing of components and systems

Project's goal

Reduction of production line downtimes in Škoda Auto car production body shops by means of elimination of defective power supply.

Downtime reduction


Production line downtimes in car production body shops reduced by more than 28 minutes.

Description of solution 

Colleagues from Škoda Auto body shops certainly know how hot weather may influence the smooth run of their car production machines. During hot summer days, all parts of machinery are heated, including power supplies located inside the distribution boards. At higher temperatures (over 50°C), the power supplier may not work properly and therefore there are big downtimes on production lines. Exactly that motivated us to come up with a new solution. Using thermal testing of a power supply which is widely used right in Škoda Auto body shops, we found out that the power supply used in body shops is not working according to the prescribed load characteristics. Therefore, our team performed a specification and thermal testing of a new power supply that can be used even at higher temperature. By mere replacement of power supply we managed to save tens of car production minutes for our body shops. 


  • Definition and thermal testing of new type of power supply with higher temperature resistance.
  • Integration of the new power supply into the Internal Technical Standards
  • Reduction of production line downtimes in body shops by more than 28 minutes

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