In Škoda FabLab, students help us within their final, doctoral theses, internships or trainee programmes solving predictive maintenance projects and developing new diagnostic methods related to car production.

Students in FabLab

In our place, students closely cooperate with experts from Škoda Auto. In this way, they can significantly help to operations with their current car production problems. During their work, they use modern equipment containing elements of artificial intelligence and Industry 4.0. 

Cooperation with Škoda FabLab opens the door for students to pursue a career in Škoda Auto and also Škoda FabLab.

Possible forms of cooperation


A professional internship at Škoda Auto is a great opportunity to work closely with our experts from all areas while still studying. The internship can be completed in one of our two laboratories.

Doctoral Programme

Doctoral students can develop their dissertation in cooperation with Škoda Auto professionals. At Škoda FabLab, we focus on dissertations that are devoted to the development of new diagnostic methods for predictive maintenance.

Trainee programme for graduates

Škoda Trainee is a one-year international programme offering unique work experience. You will find out how one of the most advanced companies in the Czech Republic works. You will try working in various departments, go on an internship abroad.

Final theses

We also offer students the opportunity to prepare a final thesis with us, which can be combined with your professional internship. In the Škoda FabLab, we focus on final works that are devoted to the development of new diagnostic methods.