#Control and Diagnostic Systems #Predictive maintenance #Work with students #Innovation
Project's goal
As part of digitalisation, PSZ (Central Technical Service) and Škoda IT are building an internal wireless network based on LoRaWAN technology at Škoda Auto plants. The network is currently being expanded in all major plants, i.e. Mladá Boleslav, Kvasiny and Vrchlabí.
LoRaWAN is another of a number of wireless technologies in terms of data transmission usable for IoT and IIoT devices.
With LoRa sensors, for example, it is possible to monitor a large number of quantities with a low measurement frequency. The advantages of these sensors are mainly low energy consumption (including the possibility of battery power), communication over long distances (5 to 10 km), use both indoors and outdoors and the resulting low operating and installation costs.
LoRa TestLab is a test stand used to test LoRa sensors in terms of measured quantities, battery life, setting options and other parameters that are important to verify before launching into production.
Benefits and details (in points)
- Verification of new technology before launch into the production environment
- Easy and fast implementation
- Data transmission over long distances
- Visualization of monitored quantities
- Rental of sensors for the possibility of testing in operation
Project solvers