Where to find us

tř. Václava Klementa 869, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav

GPS: 50.4156814N, 14.9191758E

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Škoda FabLab is located in building V12 in direction from Gate 3, right next to Škoda Health Centre. Every visit has to be agreed upon in advance.

If you go by car, you can part in the parking lot for visitors at Gate 8 and then go through this gate. 

If you walk or use public transport (bus station Mladá Boleslav next to the Bondy shopping centre, it is located approx. 400 m from Gate 1), you can enter Škoda Auto premises through Gate 1. 

Škoda FabLab - where did it come from and what is it?

Škoda FabLab, managed by the Central Technical Service, is a testing centre of predictive maintenance, machinery and components in Škoda Auto. Applied research for needs of Škoda takes place here, as an immediate response to specific cases and orders from the side of Škoda users and needs of the Central Technical Service (e.g. release of new components to internal technical standards).

FabLab increases the know-how of Škoda Auto in the field of collection, analysis and interpretation of data from machinery and components. Škoda FabLab is one of the Company’s responses to the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) and it became a part of Strategy 2025, as one of the pillars for the area of production aiming to secure the maximum usability of machinery using predictive maintenance.

Škoda FabLab Management

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Aleš Křováček

Coordinator of service and diagnostics of machinery

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Ing. Vladislav Andronov

Project Coordinator of Smart Maintenance

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